Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fhe lives on!

Tracy, normal time, guest persons in charge (Adam and kelsey). Should
be an absolute blast. We have their word on it :) see you there!!


Sent from my iPhone... So Please Excuse the mistakes!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ward Picnic!!

Hey Yosemite Ward! We've had a slight change in the activity coming up this Saturday:

Ward Picnic!

When: Saturday, April 12th, 9am-12pm

Where: Del Valle Reservoir in Livermore

How: We will be meeting at the Chester Building parking lot at 9am to carpool there!

What's going to happen: We will be playing wiffle ball, ultimate frisbee, football, having a picnic (we'll provide food, you provide the hunger) and there will be no hike...the trails there aren't all that exciting...and maybe for some of you eager beavers, swimming in the lake!

What to Bring: Yourselves, friends, sunscreen (it's going to be 89 degrees that day according to, sunglasses, swimsuits if you would like, blankets, and your amazing spirits!

Call us if you have any question!
