Last night we held our annual Fall Charity Auction. It was a blast. We had a good turn out, and people had a great opportunity to socialize and get to know each other. The weather was generally amiable (I thank the heavens for temperate heavens :), and the Pavilion was as inviting a venue as I have ever seen thanks to some brilliant christmas lights (multiple uses a year really makes the "christmas lights" investment much more palatable). Audience participation was very high (albeit not quite as high as spring's talent show where everyone single member participated to the best of my knowledge :) Wow, apparently I use rather a lot of parenthetical asides in my writing :-!
Chile Cook off results:
People's Choice Award: Erin G.
(this stuff went like "hot cakes." don't ask me what exactly that expression means)
Miracle Chile: Steven C. (you'd have to ask him the story)
Highest Critical Acclaim: David C. (I cant express how disappointing this was...)
Brethren: I'm not going to sugar coat this... I'm not thrilled with your chile cooking performance this time around. Erin G. proved herself more manly than any of you this weekend (except of course Steven C. who is "The Man" that they are always talking about). My only advice: sell your cars and buy some big trucks. Excepting Steven, and Jimmy of course, you all need one.
Thanks everyone for all the help setting up, tearing down, and donating time, effort, and canned, and material goods. Jolly good show. I really appreciated the help cleaning up especially: after a very long day getting ready it was a joyous experience to see the adage "Many hands make for light work" coming true before my very eyes. ¡Bravo, everyone!
Thanks everyone for all the help setting up, tearing down, and donating time, effort, and canned, and material goods. Jolly good show. I really appreciated the help cleaning up especially: after a very long day getting ready it was a joyous experience to see the adage "Many hands make for light work" coming true before my very eyes. ¡Bravo, everyone!