I sent out an e-mail a few moments ago reguarding the activities going on these next few days! Here's the copy of the e-mail sent out:
(slightly edited for privacy; the e-mail includes addresses and last names...not cool for an online blog)
Howdy!! We hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! We've got a whole bunch of great activities coming up, so break out your new calendars! If you know friends home on Christmas Break, invite them to come. They are welcome to join the activities!
First off, on Friday, the 28th, we've got a multi-regional dance starting at 9pm at the Stockton Brookside building (The one by the institute building). It goes until 12am and it's going to be fun!
Second, on Saturday, the 29th, there is a the Stake Adult activity at the Stake Center. It starts at 7:30pm at the Northland building. It's a game night! There will be plenty of games to play and we'll have the opportunity to get to know more people in our stake!
On Sunday, the 30th, ye shall rest...because it's the Sabbath...
But on Monday, the 31st, we party! We've got the Ward New Years Eve party at Bill's house. The party starts at 9pm and goes till...whenever! There will be games (indoor and outdoor), video games, pizza making, movies, snacks and breakfast at 1am! There will be plenty of parking in front of his house. We will be passing around the sign up sheets again on Sunday, just in case people missed it and to make sure everyone remembers what they signed up to bring.
THEN, after catching a breather Tuesday and Wednesday, on Thursday, January 3rd, we have our first YSA baptism trip of 2008! We are, as usual, set for the 7pm session. If you need a temple recommend, contact Danny T., He's the man to go to schedule a meeting with the Bishop.
Am I forgetting anything? I hope not...If I am, I'll send out another e-mail :) We are stoked for all the activities coming up and hope you all can make it!